When it comes to administrative staff, 5th P is your all- time administrative staffing specialist.

We have access to hundreds of potential candidates and employment profiles and can make sure only the most qualified make their way up to you. This saves both time (from filtering out the eager-yet-unqualified) and money (from training employees who don’t work out) and ensures whoever you hire, will be a valued contributor to your team.

When it comes to administrative staff, 5th P is your all- time administrative staffing specialist.

We have access to hundreds of potential candidates and employment profiles and can make sure only the most qualified make their way up to you. This saves both time (from filtering out the eager-yet-unqualified) and money (from training employees who don’t work out) and ensures whoever you hire, will be a valued contributor to your team.

We specialize in staffing administrative and customer service roles like:

Office Manager

Executive Assistant

Data entry clerk

Legal secretary


HR Assistant